A friend of mine surprised me on the first night of our tour with Festerdecay’s latest record, “Reality Rotten to the Core.” I was supposed to go to the show when it came through but was exhausted. The day of the show I did the “adult” thing and decided to stay in. I was preparing for my own tour, working extra hours, and maximizing time with my kid. Yet, I’m still kicking myself because Festerdecay traveled all the way from Japan, so when the heck am I going to see them again? That was my friend’s reasoning too; he had a bit longer drive than I did to go to the show. He ended up purchasing an extra copy of the record because the turnout could have been better. I wish more people had this attitude… assuming they also have the extra twenty to thirty bucks to spend.

After getting back from my own tour, I realize the importance of people showing up, taking a chance on music they might now know. Not every stop was packed, but the energy was there and that is what really matters. People also supported us by picking up merch. One thing I have noticed in the underground community over the years is that even people who don’t have a lot, take the time to buy stuff. Whether it’s a patch or t-shirt or record, every purchase helps fill the tank for the next stop.

When my friend handed me the Festerdecay record, he emphasized the importance of picking up extra merch when turnouts aren’t where they could be, especially when a band travels that far to hit the stage. I think more people need that attitude. Obviously, it’s not possible to hit every show you want to in the modern age. I think all of us could make more of an effort though.

I love having a kid, but I know I would make it to more shows if I didn’t have one. Part of the reason I’m happy to see the Kent Music Scene picking up again is that it becomes astronomically easier for me to sneak out for a few to catch a band without a 45+ minute drive. Don’t get me wrong, I will still regularly get out to Westside Bowl in Youngstown and No Class in Cleveland to support their shows. For those of us from the Kent/Akron area, our scene has been hit hard. The Zephyr is really doing a great job of bringing back the vibes of Stone Tavern. And every single one of the venues mentioned give a shit about the artists. After touring, I realized that not all venues and promoters are cut from the same cloth. Sure, I’ve heard friends talk about it, but to go out and experience it is a different reality. I’ll save that rant for a different time. For now, the consumer end of the deal, put your money where it is put to better use. Your dollars go further supporting underground music at locally owned venues than any corporate conglomerate. Private equity firms are buying up some of these venues and keeping the names the same, but don’t get it twisted, there is a big difference between a club like Westside Bowl and House of Blues.

Tired of high ticket prices and fees? Stop buying those tickets. Take that same money and take a chance on underground music. You might be surprised! You could probably get two tickets to two or three shows for the price of most corporate venues.

I say this and I have totally purchased tickets via AXS for some larger shows this year. I waited for Carcass to go on sale where AXS does this deal where they eliminate the fees, so you pay just the straight ticket prices. I also got Suicide Boys tickets for my daughter’s birthday. Outside of that, most of my concert money is spent locally. And I do regret not sucking it up and catching Festerdecay because they have been heavy in the rotation.

Reality Rotten to the Core: Festerdecay

If you are into early era, goregrind Carcass, you must check this band out. I really love their Carcasses Revenge EP, even the production is spot on for Reek of Putrefaction. While Reality Rotten to the Core has a slight “better” production, it’s still raw af.

Looks like Reality Rotten to the Core is available on all streaming platforms. Not sure where you can pick up the vinyl though… Guess you’ll have to figure that out on your own.