Opus Death – Exhumation

Opus Death – Exhumation

Opus Death by Exhumation is a record that even the truest cult metal followers can sink their teeth into. From “Soul Wanders” through “Lullabyss,” Exhumation summons the classic origins of sinister death metal. In the same vein as the earliest...
Time of Death: III – Hypostasis

Time of Death: III – Hypostasis

For the dark avant garde music listener, Time of Death, offers an implacable sonic landscape filled with dissonant guitars, depraved vocals, and brash drumming. As a fan of De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas and Monotheist, I find the darkened experimental nature of...
Avowal – The Tower EP

Avowal – The Tower EP

The Tower EP is a chaotic blend of thrash, deathgrind, and metalpunk in which I prioritize intensity when it comes to songwriting. Avowal learned a lot between the recording and release of Feast of the Familiar and developed a better sense of artistic identity as a...