While I have not been as active online, I have been laying the groundwork behind the scenes. I honestly do not know how people keep up with online and real life when they’re going through stuff. Unless of course it becomes their side hustle… or main hustle. I think I have too many fringe views to adhere to brand deals (ha). In all seriousness, while I do not want to go to into details, I will share that my daughter has had some serious health problems going on and is in active treatment. She is going to be ok and is making great progress, however, I have had to prioritize my life a lot differently than in the past. She has always and will always come first to me. I genuinely cannot wrap my mind around people who do not prioritize their children. This does not mean that I do not take time for myself, it just means she is my priority.

I also lost my Gram in early August and I’m still processing that loss. She’s been one of my biggest supporters my entire life. I went to call her on what would have been her 93rd birthday and reminded myself that she is no longer able to be reached like that. While I do not pretend to know what happens after death, I do believe that we leave traces of ourselves. Gram was a Christian, so I wished a heavenly birthday, and I hope the afterlife is everything she believed it was. That she is reunited with her lost loved ones, including two children, my biological grandpa, and the grandpa I got later on in life. I miss her and I know this first year especially will be difficult. She won’t be at Thanksgiving or Christmas. She’s no longer a phone call away. No more lessons only she could teach… Just memories.

For that reason, I have a number of unfinished projects that I’m slowly completing. The post I finally got around to posting today, 5 Newer Metal Releases In The Rotation, I actually wrote on August 26th. I’m trying to get back to working in my social content with my blog and grow more active, just slowly rolling to start.

Avowal – Lessons in Technical Difficulties

I’m very excited for Lessons in Technical Difficulties to come out on Tuesday, September 17. For starters, it’s the first album with the current lineup of Logan, Kracker, Sean, and myself. It’s a live album, and I may cringe sometimes when I talk (ha), it’s exciting to share some tracks I’ve wanted to get out there since the The Tower. Originally, The Tower was supposed to be a full-length, but Avowal’s lineup change had me rethink that, I went more in-depth about that here.

I believe Avowal’s sound is best live. There is a certain energy we have in a live setting that I am wanting to capture in the studio but have struggled to do so. The Tower was the closest we came, but even still, the unreleased tracks have changed a bit. Christian Krucker (Kracker) and I have some plans this winter when it comes to recording the full-length, but for now… Lessons in Technical Difficulties will have to hold you over.

I owe special thanks to Ray Hunter at Midland Studio Records for capturing our Brimming Horn performance for Party Like It’s 793 Festival. I absolutely loved the energy of that festival and the people behind it are incredibly kind.

E. Autumnal

Some may remember my project, Harvest from pre-and-during the pandemic. As Sean and I have spent many nights around the fire or in the basement with the acoustic guitar, I decided to re-imagine the project. When I first wrote the music for Harvest, the more I sat with my recording equipment, the more it strayed from an acoustic release. I rather miss some of the songs, how they were originally written, all stripped down. Then of course, I have written a handful of new songs for it.

Not saying names just yet, but I have a couple of co-conspirators on standby. I’m looking forward to tracking and moving this project along this winter. I should also have a logo soon thanks to Stormy and I’ll begin sharing more at that point.

I did have my first show as E. Autumnal on August 30th at The Pub in Kent. I played a lot of originals and covers alongside S. Deth. We also did a little bit of stripped down Osi and the Jupiter to close out the night as we played for 3 hours. I really would enjoy doing that type of set up more, just a few hours playing for people drinking. Makes me think of my friend Iesha who is professional musician in Florida. She plays different bars, lots of covers and things. Seems like a fun way to earn a living if you live in a spot where it’s possible. For me, it’s a nice way to blow of some steam and earn a little bit of cash doing something I really love to do.

I definitely wish there were more hours in the day to do all the things I want to do. To be able to care for the people I love and still have time to create. The current state of America is not healthy for people. We all work too much, have too much adulting to do beyond that, and then we try to squeeze time to create. I suppose I should be thankful for the time I do have to create; I still wish that I had more… And I want that for everyone.

Mabon & Reading

Mabon is one of my favorite sabbats. A time of gratitude and preservation, a time to make repairs and complete projects in preparations for winter. I might not have much time for canning this year, but I have spent a lot of time this past week purging the home, cleaning, and re-arranging. It feels good.

This coming week, I’ll switch up the altar and start decorating for Halloween. We had a few days last week that felt like fall, but this week has been in the 70’s and 80’s. Climate change has impacted our seasons. The past couple of years, fall has been cut short which is sad because it is my favorite season. I’ve always found it rather poetic, the beauty of everything before it dies. The oranges, yellows, and reds stand out against a gray, Ohio sky.

The Wheel of the Yearis a book I keep on hand year-round these days in addition to Ancient Ways (1991). TWOTY is a newer one, but I dig it. Whether you have been a practicing pagan for decades or you are new, I find these two books helpful for craft and altar ideas, recipes, and a compass. What I mean by compass, while they have some historical context– especially Ancient Ways– it’s more of a starting point compared to a deep-dive to some of the deeper practices. Should you use the links I have provided to order a copy: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
This year, I ordered Llewelyn’s Witches Datebook 2025 in addition to the annual calendar. I purchase the Witches calendar each year, though one year I did opt for the astrological one, I did not like it as much. This will be my first year using the datebook. I like the idea of having a calendar focused on moon cycles and sabbats. It does not fit my daily needs like the Zicato To Do Planner I use for work and appointments, or the 24-26 Monthly Planner for an overview of monthly activities (that’s portable). I was thinking the Datebook would help me incorporate more rituals in my life again. While Sean and I definitely practice, it has not been as much this year with the chaos of life. I felt this might help me stay more mindful. I’ll report back.

I have not had as much time as I would like for reading lately. I suppose I could make more time instead of doom scrolling, opt for a book– ha! But seriously… When I do take the time to sit down with a book I have been reading Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scieentific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer. You can get the book here or go to your local bookstore.

In The Near Future…

I’m laying low in September to bring things together. This October I have two shows with Osi and the Jupiter and DJ night at Westside Bowl. I’m looking forward to getting Chris (Kakophonix) back out here with Sean and I. We have some cool things planned in addition to the show. Check the EVENTS PAGE for the dates and details around the shows.

Avowal will have our last local show of the year on November 15th at The Maplegrove Tavern. We will celebrate 30 years of Blood Coven in addition to collecting toys for children in need. We will close out the year in Rochester, NY with our friends in Sulaco on November 27t at The Bug Jar. Our primary focus is writing and recording for the foreseeable future. Though we will be looking to book more gigs in 2025.

As for My Instagram Account, I’m working on a content bank so that I can post regularly but spread it out. I do miss some of the conversations that come up from my posts. I love talking about music and connecting with people who are passionate about it too. I don’t want to jinx anything– ha– because of course, that is the area of my life that tends to take the backseat when there’s too much else going on.

Either way, I look forward to potentially having more free time in the future to go to shows and hang out with my friends.